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Department of Employment and predecessors: Industrial Relations, Trade Boards and...

Description and record details

Reference LAB 11
Title Department of Employment and predecessors: Industrial Relations, Trade Boards and Wages Councils Files
Date 1910-1980

This series contains files relating to Trade Boards, Wages Councils, and the Wages Inspectorate, and includes files on relevant administrative questions, and files giving general information on various industries.


Key to abbreviations used for pieces 2637-2804: BBWC - Brush and Broom Wages CouncilBMWC - Button Manufacturing Wages CouncilBSRWC - Boot and Shoe Repairing Wages CouncilBWC - Baking Wages CouncilCTB - Cutlery Trade BoardCWC - Cutlery Wages CouncilCWRWC - Cotton Waste Reclamation Wages CouncilDWLCWC - Dressmaking and Women's Light Clothing Wages CouncilGWMRWC - General Waste Material Reclamation Wages CouncilHBFWC - Hair, Bass and Fibre Wages CouncilHUWC - Hairdressing Undertakings Wages CouncilISCUWC - Industrial and Staff Canteen Undertakings Wages CouncilLCHHGWC - Linen and Cotton Handkerchief and Household Goods Wages CouncilLNREWB - Licensed Non-Residential Establishment and Licensed Restaurant Wages BoardLRELRWB - Licensed Residential Establishment and Licensed Restaurant Wages BoardLWC - Laundry Wages CouncilMDWC - Milk Distributive Wages CouncilMTWC - Made-up Textiles Wages CouncilPBWC - Paper Bag Wages CouncilP Box WC - Paper Box Wages CouncilRBFCTWC - Retail Bread and Flour Confectionery Trade Wages CouncilRBSTWC - Retail Bookselling and Stationery Trades Wages CouncilRDOFTWC - Retail Drapery, Outfitting and Footwear Trade Wages CouncilRFTWC - Retail Furnishing and Allied Trades Wages CouncilRHWC - Retail Food Trades Wages CouncilRHWC - Road Haulage Wages CouncilRMWC - Rubber Manufacturing Wages CouncilRNTCTWC - Retail Newsagency, Tobacco and Confectionery Trades Wages CouncilRRWC - Rubber Reclamation Wages CouncilRTNWC - Rope, Twine and Net Wages CouncilSCFPWC - Sugar Confectionery and Food Preserving Wages CouncilSPMWWC - Stamped or Pressed Metal Wares Wages CouncilTMWC - Toy Manufacturing Wages CouncilTWCGB - Tobacco Wages Council, Great BritainUPRWB - Unlicensed Place of Refreshment Wages BoardWMCWC - Wholesale Mantle and Costume Wages Council

Related material

For registered files of the Industrial Relations Department, see LAB 10

Held by The National Archives, Kew
Legal status Public Record(s)


Physical description 3098 file(s)
Access conditions Open unless otherwise stated
Immediate source of acquisition

from 1965 Ministry of Labour

Accruals Series is not accruing.