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Records of the Central Bureau for Educational Visits and Exchanges

Description and record details

Reference FB
Title Records of the Central Bureau for Educational Visits and Exchanges
Date 1960-1991

Records of the Central Bureau for Educational Visits and Exchanges and its Board of Trustees.

The agenda, minutes and papers of the Bureau's Board of Trustees for the period after 1960 are in FB 2. Annual reports of the Bureau are in FB 1

Related material

Copies of the agenda, minutes and papers of the Bureau's Board of Trustees prior to 1960 can be found in ED121/786-789.

See also the records of the British Council in BW

Held by The National Archives, Kew
Legal status Public Record(s)



Central Bureau for Educational Visits and Exchanges, 1948

Physical description 2 series
Access conditions Subject to 30 year closure unless otherwise stated
Immediate source of acquisition

From 1990 Central Bureau for Educational Visits and Exchanges

Administrative/ biographical background

The Bureau was established in 1948 as a result of the deliberations of a sub-committee of the National Co-operating Body for Education for UNESCO (UK). Its functions were to

a)   advise and assist such persons or bodies concerned with the educational interests of the people of the UK... in all matters relating to educational visits and exchanges between the said people and other communities;

b)   inform itself of the activities of existing agencies both in the UK and other countries concerned with educational visits and exchanges... and to co-operate with them... and

c)   supplement the work of any such existing agencies as far as may be deemed necessary by undertaking direct responsibility for educational visits and exchanges or by securing or assisting the development or establishment of other suitable agencies.

In 1949 it became responsible for technical, further education and secondary school links and exchanges and in 1950 for all exchanges for young workers. In recent years its work has expanded as the desire for foreign travel for educational purposes at all levels has increased dramatically.

The Bureau is governed by a Board of Trustees appointed by the Secretaries of State responsible for education and youth service in the four countries of the UK. It is wholly funded by their education departments which appoint assessors to the board. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the British Council had observer status until December 1993 when the British Council became corporate trustee of the Bureau, and in effect absorbed its functions (though the Bureau retained its distinct organisation).

The Bureau is headed by a director and is divided into several departments covering the various aspects of its work including British and foreign language assistants, teacher and school exchanges, press and publications, and Scotland and Northern Ireland.