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Hugh McCalmont Cairns, 1st Earl: Papers

Description and record details

Reference PRO 30/51
Title Hugh McCalmont Cairns, 1st Earl: Papers
Date 1856-1885

A collection of letters, mostly on political and legal matters, to Hugh McCalmont Cairns, first Earl Cairns.


Upon transfer to the Public Record Office it was found that the letters, which were mostly from legal and political colleagues and from members of the clergy, had been arranged according to the type of correspondent, e.g. "Conservative Politicians", "Church Dignitaries", "Ireland", etc., while the most important, such as letters from Disraeli or the Duke of Richmond were in separate bundles. This arrangement has been largely preserved.

Related material

For records of the Law Officers' Department see LO

Held by The National Archives, Kew
Legal status Not Public Record(s)



Cairns, Hugh McCalmont, 1819-1885

Physical description 24 box(es)
Immediate source of acquisition

David Charles Cairns5th Earl Cairns, 1909-1989

Unpublished finding aids

An index of correspondents is available. Please speak to staff at the enquiry desk for the precise location.

Administrative/ biographical background

Earl Cairns was a prominent lawyer and a leading political figure: he held office as Solicitor-General in 1858, Attorney-General in 1866, Lord Chancellor in Disraeli's administration of 1868 and again during Disraeli's second administration of 1874-1880. Throughout the Gladstone administration of 1868-1874, Cairns was Leader of the Opposition in the House of Lords.