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Prerogative Court of Canterbury: Bound Volumes of Depositions

Description and record details

Reference PROB 26
Title Prerogative Court of Canterbury: Bound Volumes of Depositions
Date 1809-1858

Bound volumes of depositions of witnesses in causes heard by the Prerogative Court of Canterbury for the period 1826-1858. In a few instances interrogatories, and exhibits annexed to interrogatories or cited in the depositions were bound up with the depositions.

It should be noted that where F H Dyke and Iltid Nicholl appear as parties they appear as HM Procurators General and were therefore acting for the crown. Such causes generally relate to the estates of insane or illegitimate intestates whose estates escheated to the crown.


The series list is organised by name of cause and is listed in chronological order.

Related material

For records of HM Procurator General see TS 17

Held by The National Archives, Kew
Legal status Public Record(s)



Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 1660-1858

Physical description 633 volume(s)
Unpublished finding aids

An index of causes is available alongside the printed list of PROB 26. The printed PROB 26 series list is also accompanied by an index of testators and intestates. The list may be consulted by researchers visiting the Public Record Office.

Administrative/ biographical background

Depositions produced in civil law courts take the form of responses to written questions submitted by proctors acting for either of the parties to the cause. The written questions were known as interrogatories or articles and were derived from the allegations of the plaintiffs.