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Special Collections: Ministers' and Receivers' Accounts

Description and record details

Reference SC 6
Title Special Collections: Ministers' and Receivers' Accounts
Date Henry III-18th century

An artificial collection of documents brought together mostly from records of the Ancient Miscellanea of the Queen's Remembrancer's Office, and to a lesser extent from the records of the Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer's Office, the Treasury of the Receipt (some manorial documents came from the collection of deeds now E 40), the Office of Land Revenue Records (LR 5, LR 6, LR 8 and LR 12), the Augmentation Office, the Tower of London, and Chester Castle as part of the records of the Palatinate of Chester (otherwise in CHES). Many records have also been removed from SP 5. The series contains the accounts of officials responsible for crown lands belonging to the ancient demesne of the crown which did not form part of the sheriffs' annual accounts or which came under their administrative control. It also incorporates accounts of manorial officials for lands which subsequently came into crown hands through escheat, exchange, forfeiture, inheritance or sale.

The accounts include those of aliens and alien priories, bishops' temporalities, contrariants' lands, lands in Wales and the Welsh Borders including the Marcher lordships, lands in Ireland, and household accounts of monasteries.

Related material

Accounts of crown lands are in LR 12

Similar accounts and related documents are to be found in DL 29 LR 6 LR 7

Further receivers' accounts are in:

Held by The National Archives, Kew
Legal status Public Record(s)




Exchequer, Augmentation Office, 1554-1833

Exchequer, Kings Remembrancer, 1150-1875

Exchequer, Lord Treasurers Remembrancer, 1170-1833

Exchequer, Treasury of the Receipt, 1109-1833

Office of Land Revenue Records and Enrolments, 1832-1961

Physical description 3523 boxes, files and rolls
Access conditions Open
Unpublished finding aids

See also Special Collections: Ministers' and Receivers' Accounts (formerly introductory note to SC 6)

Administrative/ biographical background

Manorial accounts were made on an annual basis, and could relate to one or more properties. A standard format was adopted very early in the thirteenth century, which remained largely unchanged throughout the period covered by the records in this series. A balance sheet for the property or estate as a whole was usually produced to record the financial obligations of the official to the lord.

From the early sixteenth century rolls were produced which brought together information relating to individual crown properties on a county basis.

Publication note

Most of the records in this series will be found listed and indexed in: List of Original Ministers' Accounts, Part 1 - Henry III to Richard III (Public Record Office Lists and Indexes, V, HMSO, London, 1894); List of Original Ministers' Accounts: Appendix, Corrigenda, and Index to Part 1 (Public Record Office Lists and Indexes, VIII, Kraus Reprint Corporation, 1967); List of Original Ministers' Accounts, Part 2 - Henry VII and Henry VIII (Public Record Office List and Indexes, XXXIV, Kraus Reprint Corporation, 1963); List of Ministers' Accounts, Edward VI - 18th Century and Analagous Documents (Public Record Office Lists and Indexes, Supplementary Series, II, Kraus Reprint Corporation, 1967). See alsoItinerary of Edward II and his Household, 1307-1328, List and Index Society, Volume 211 (1984).