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Department of Education and Science: Schools Branch II, Special Education: Registered...

Description and record details

Reference ED 269
Title Department of Education and Science: Schools Branch II, Special Education: Registered Files (SS Series)
Date 1967-2002

This series contains registered files in the SS series of the Department of Education and Science's School's Branch II. Subjects cover all aspects of special education including school meals and milk; staffing standards; teacher training; categories of pupils; education of immigrants and 'travellers'; surveys and documents relating to violence, truancy, deprivation and disruptive behaviour in schools; committees including the Select Committee on Race Relations, the Committee of Inquiry into Speech Therapy Services (Quirk Report), and the Committee on the Educational Needs of Handicapped Children (Warnock).

The series also contains documentation on the development and implementation of the Education Reform Act 1988, and the department?s response to the Swann Report (Report of the Committee of Enquiry into the Education of Children from Ethnic Minority Groups - 1985) and the Elton report on Discipline in Schools (1989).

Held by The National Archives, Kew
Former reference in its original department SS file series
Legal status Public Record(s)



Department for Education, 1992-1995

Department for Education and Employment, 1995-2001

Department for Education and Skills, 2001-2007

Department of Education and Science, 1964-1992

Department of Education and Science, Schools Branch 2, 1973-1992

Physical description 822 file(s)
Access conditions Open unless otherwise stated
Immediate source of acquisition

From 2001 Department for Education and Employment

Accruals Series is accruing.
Administrative/ biographical background

In 1985 Schools Branch 2 had three divisions responsible for Special Education: A) educational disadvantage, behaviour of school children, urban programme and policy for the inner cities, educational needs of ethnic minorities, race relations and education welfare services. B) Educational provision for children with special educational needs. C) Preparing young people for adult and working life, development for lower attaining pupils, school-industry liaison, careers education, TVEI, educational technology and the Microelectronics Education Programme.

By 1993 the Branch had expanded to four divisions: Division A) was responsible for inner cities, ethnic minorities, travellers and refugees, discipline in schools, school attendance and education welfare services. Division B) was responsible for special educational needs. Division C) was responsible for careers education and preparation for adult life, PSHE including sex education and AIDS and alcohol and drug abuse plus education for the under 5s. Division D) was responsible for all aspects of educational technology, broadcasting, and copyright.