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Foreign and Commonwealth Office: Records and Historical Department, Treaty Section:...

Description and record details

Reference FCO 103
Title Foreign and Commonwealth Office: Records and Historical Department, Treaty Section: Protocols and Ratifications of Treaties; Digital Records associated with FCO 85.
Date 2000-2003

This series contains records concerning the European Union Treaty of Accession 2003 (Athens, 16 April 2003) which were originally intended to be accessioned into the series FCO 85 but re-allocated into this new series in April 2008 as part of the programme of migration of digital records at The National Archives.

The files are dated 8 September 2000 to 29 July 2003; the types of file formats are bmp, doc, rtf, and tif.

These records were made available in December 2017 when for presentation purposes they were re-arranged from the original 7 electronic documents as follows: CD 1 Signature Pages. CD 2 Certified Copy. CD 3 English Version of the text. CD 4 Volume 1. CD 5 Volume 2. CD 6 Volume 3. CD 7 Volume 4.

The original structure of the documents is reflected in the 'Arrangement' field for individual catalogue entries.

Descriptions have been provided in a narrative format where possible for the majority of the records; otherwise there are original Titles only.


Treaties and ratifications are arranged by date of entering into force or date of receipt of ratification.

References for born digital records are automatically generated and display a 'Z' after a forward slash, which distinguish them from traditional references allocated to paper and digitised records

Related material

Earlier multi-lateral treaties are in FO 949

Earlier ratifications of treaties are in FO 94

Earlier bi-lateral treaties are in FO 93

Earlier European Community treaties are in FO 974

Separated material

For paper records, see

FCO 85

Held by The National Archives, Kew
Legal status Public Record(s)



Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Treaty Section, 1992

Physical description 2014 digital record(s)
Access conditions Open
Immediate source of acquisition

in 2006 Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Accruals Series is not accruing.
Selection and destruction information All protocols and ratifications of treaties which come into force are selected, under Acquisition Policy criteria, documenting formal agreements between the UK and other states.