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Publications formerly held by the British Transport Historical Records Office library

Description and record details

Reference ZLIB
Title Publications formerly held by the British Transport Historical Records Office library
Date 1675-1982

Publications formerly held by the British Transport Historical Records Office library relating to a variety of transport topics.

Comprises: Biographical, ZLIB 1Ports, harbours and docks, ZLIB 2Canals and inland waterways, ZLIB 3Railways, historical, ZLIB 4Locomotives, steam engines and rolling stock, ZLIB 5Railways, general, ZLIB 6Railway signalling, safety, and telegraphs, ZLIB 7Electrification, including London Underground Railways, ZLIB 8Engineering and scientific works including Railway Permanent Way, ZLIB 9Transport in wartime, ZLIB 10Transport - historical and general, ZLIB 11Road transport - historical and general, ZLIB 12Shipping, ZLIB 13Canadian and American transport, ZLIB 14Pamphlets (general - old and new), ZLIB 15British empire and foreign: transport and general, ZLIB 16General subjects, ZLIB 17Guides (railway), ZLIB 18Guides (topographical), ZLIB 19Legal, including rates and charges, ZLIB 20Minutes of proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers, ZLIB 21Institute of Mechanical Engineers, ZLIB 22Journals of the Society of Telegraph Engineers and Electricians, ZLIB 23Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Mechanics Institute, Horwich, ZLIB 24Great Western Railway Mechanics Institution, Swindon, ZLIB 25Proceedings of American Railway Engineering Association, ZLIB 26Minutes of Proceedings of Institution of Locomotive Engineers, ZLIB 27British Waterways Board: Annual Reports and Accounts, ZLIB 28York Library Collection, ZLIB 29

Held by The National Archives, Kew
Legal status Not Public Record(s)



British Railways Board, British Transport Historical Records Office, 1963-1972

Physical description 29 series
Access conditions Open
Immediate source of acquisition

In 1972 British Railways Board, British Transport Historical Records Office

Custodial history The Public Record Office took over the administration of the records of the British Transport Historical Records Office in 1972.