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Department of Scientific and Industrial Research and Ministry of Technology: Industrial...
Description and record details
Reference | BT 182 |
Title | Department of Scientific and Industrial Research and Ministry of Technology: Industrial Operations Unit: Pamphlets |
Date | 1958-1969 |
Description | Pamphlets published by the Industrial Operations Unit of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research and by the Ministry of Technology to demonstrate existing techniques in the field of industrial engineering and the development of new ones and to show the economics resulting from the study of manufacturing and distributive procedures. |
Related material |
For the papers of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Intelligence Division see DSIR 45 |
Held by | The National Archives, Kew |
Legal status | Public Record(s) |
Language |
English |
Creator |
Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Industrial Operations Unit, 1954-1965 Ministry of Technology, Industrial Operations Unit, 1964-1970 |
Physical description | 19 volume(s) |
Access conditions | Open |
Administrative/ biographical background | In 1954, as an indirect result of assistance received under the Conditional Aid Scheme for the use of Counterpart Funds derived from the United States Economic Aid Scheme, the Intelligence Division of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research expanded its investigational activities into the administrative functions of industrial operations. The Industrial Operations Unit so created had as its objective the demonstration and presentation of existing techniques - or development of new ones - in the field of industrial engineering and to show the economies which can result from the study of manufacturing and distributive procedures. It continued this work under the Ministry of Technology until 1970. The Unit worked solely in conjunction with the research and trade associations on problems of common interest to a major section of an industry or trade. Projects varied from simple case studies to those requiring several months work. A special regard for the human implications involved was an essential feature in every aspect of the Unit's work. |
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