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Lord Chancellor's Office: Copies of Church Measures

Description and record details

Reference C 50
Title Lord Chancellor's Office: Copies of Church Measures
Date 1920-1991

This series consists of copies, printed on vellum, of measures prepared by the Church, approved by Parliament, and which received the royal assent.

Related material

For copies of earlier laws affecting the government of the Church of England, see the Parliament Rolls: C 65

Held by The National Archives, Kew
Legal status Public Record(s)


Physical description 63 bundles and papers
Access conditions Open
Administrative/ biographical background

In response to the growing opinion that Parliament was unsuited to the direct government of the Church of England, concerted action was taken by the church and by Parliament in 1919. The Church of England Assembly (Powers) Act (often known as the Enabling Act) of 1919 conferred certain legislative powers, previously exercised by Parliament, upon the new National Assembly of the Church of England, established earlier in the same year by the convocations of Canterbury and York.

These new powers meant that the Church Assembly could prepare church measures, and present them to Parliament, where they would be accepted or rejected, but could not be amended. If a measure was accepted, it received the royal assent and became law. In 1970 the Church Assembly was superseded by the General Synod, which continued to submit measures as before.