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Chancery: Crown Office: Irish Parliament Bills

Description and record details

Reference C 86
Title Chancery: Crown Office: Irish Parliament Bills
Date 1634-1635

Bills for the Irish parliamentary session of 1634-1635.

Related material

Some Irish parliamentary bills may also be found in PC 1

Copies of the acts for this session were enrolled on the Parliament Rolls: C 65

Separated material

Bills of the Irish parliament formerly preserved in the Public Record Office of Ireland (1634-1800) were destroyed in 1922.

Held by The National Archives, Kew
Legal status Public Record(s)


Physical description 1 bundle(s)
Custodial history According to the Record Commission report of 1800, the deputy clerk of the Crown stated that Irish parliamentary bills existed for the period up to 1782 but, as they were rarely called for, were not easily accessible. Such neglect probably accounts for the fact that very few have survived.
Administrative/ biographical background

'Poynings' law' of 1494 required that all bills submitted to the parliament of Ireland had to be approved by the king's deputy and his council in Ireland and the king and his council in England. Copies of bills passed by the Irish parliament were transmitted from Ireland for royal approval and kept with the records of the clerk of the Crown in the Crown Office.

Publication note

Most of the bills passed in this series are printed in The statutes at large, passed in the parliaments held in Ireland, ii (Dublin, 1786).