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Chancery: Files, Tower and Rolls Chapel Series, Scire Facias , Series I

Description and record details

Reference C 245
Title Chancery: Files, Tower and Rolls Chapel Series, Scire Facias, Series I
Date 1272-1656

Writs, addressed to the sheriff, outlining the matters in dispute and ordering named parties to appear in Chancery as defendants or interested parties in suits concerning the many aspects of Chancery's work as a writing office, registry and court of law.

Traverses of letters patent are the most common suits, while traverses of inquisitions post mortem and the attendant disputes which arose over such matters as dower also figure largely.

Writs scire facias were used to enforce the mortmain legislation against the many alienations made without licence during the Black Death. Under Henry IV the writ was used against Welsh rebels whose lands and goods had been seized to show cause why their possessions should be returned. In the seventeenth century James I used the process to recover control of the lands of the Duchy of Cornwall, requiring leaseholders to show cause why their leases should not be revoked.

Scire facias could equally well be used against the Crown; under Henry IV the royal right of presentation was challenged. Chancery also dealt with cases dictated by legislation. The statute against pulling down towns of 1515 was used against the enclosure movement.

Most of these records were formerly included in C 47 and C 202

Held by The National Archives, Kew
Legal status Public Record(s)



Physical description 67 file(s)