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Records created or inherited by the Bodies for Devolved Government in Wales

Description and record details

Reference WA
Title Records created or inherited by the Bodies for Devolved Government in Wales
Date 1976-2024

Records created or inherited by the National Assembly for Wales and its successor the Senedd, and by the Welsh (Assembly) Government relating to the post-1997 devolved administration of Wales.

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For records created or inherited by the Welsh Office, see BD

Held by The National Archives, Kew
Legal status Welsh Public Record(s)




National Assembly for Wales, 1999

Welsh Assembly Government, 2006-2011

Welsh Government, 2011

Physical description 31 series
Access conditions Open unless otherwise stated
Administrative/ biographical background

In July 1997, the UK government announced plans to establish a National Assembly for Wales and published its White Paper A Voice for Wales. Following a referendum held on 18 September 1997, the Assembly was created by the Government of Wales Act 1998 and the National Assembly for Wales (Transfer of Functions) Order 1999, which enabled the transfer of most of the devolved powers of the Welsh Office and Secretary of State for Wales to the Assembly. The first elections to the National Assembly were held on 6 May 1999.

When first created, the National Assembly had no powers to initiate primary legislation. Before 2007, the National Assembly had responsibility in Wales for ministerial functions relating to health and personal social services; education, except for terms and conditions of service and student grants; training; the Welsh language, arts and culture; the implementation of the Citizen's Charter in Wales; local government; housing; water and sewerage; environmental protection; sport; agriculture and fisheries; forestry; land use; including town and country planning and countryside and nature conservation; new towns; non-departmental bodies and appointments in Wales; ancient monuments and historic buildings and the Welsh Arts Council; roads; tourism; financial assistance to industry; the Strategic Development Scheme in Wales and the programme for the Valleys; and the operation of the European Regional Development Fund in Wales and other European Union matters.

During this period to 2007, the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) was the executive body of the National Assembly for Wales, consisting of the First Minister and his Cabinet, and had no independent executive powers in law.

In May 2007, legal separation between the legislature (National Assembly for Wales) and the executive (Welsh Assembly Government) took effect under the Government of Wales Act 2006 which received Royal Assent on 25 July 2006. The Act gave Welsh Ministers independent executive authority, enacted after the May 2007 elections (the second assembly elections). The National Assembly for Wales and the Welsh Assembly Government therefore became two distinct and separate organisations.

The role of the executive (the Welsh Government) is to make decisions; develop and implement policy; exercise executive functions and make statutory instruments. The 60 Assembly members in the legislature (the Senedd, previously known as the Assembly) scrutinise the Welsh Government's decisions and policies; hold Ministers to account; and approve budgets for the Welsh Government's programmes. From 2007 to 2011, the Assembly had the power to enact Assembly Measures as a form of legislation on certain matters. In 2011, it gained the power to pass Acts as primary legislation.

Welsh Assembly Government from 2007 / Welsh Government from 2011

The Welsh Government (the executive) is the devolved Government for Wales and is responsible for proposing and implementing policy and laws which would apply in Wales. It consists of the First Minister, Welsh Ministers, The Counsel General and Deputy Ministers and is supported by staff who are civil servants, based in offices throughout Wales.

The First Minister for Wales heads the Welsh Government in the same way as the Prime Minister heads the UK Government. The First Minister is nominated by the Assembly and then appointed by HM the King. The First Minister will subsequently appoint the Welsh Ministers and the Deputy Welsh Ministers, with the approval of the monarch.

The post of Counsel General for Wales is the principal source of legal advice to the Welsh Government. The Counsel General is appointed by the monarch, on the nomination of the First Minister, whose recommendation will need to be agreed by the Senedd. The Counsel General may be, but does not have to be, an Member of the Senedd.

The First Minister and Welsh Ministers together form the Cabinet. The 2006 Act permits a maximum of 12 Welsh Ministers, which includes Deputy Welsh Ministers, but excludes the First Minister and the Counsel General. Accordingly, the maximum size of the Welsh Government is 14.

They are supported by Civil Servants who work across devolved areas that include key areas of public life such as health, education and the environment.

On 12 May 2011, the First Minister of Wales announced that the Welsh Assembly Government would now be known as the Welsh Government. This was reflected in statute by the Wales Act 2014.

National Assembly for Wales from 2007 / Senedd from 2020

The Senedd (the legislature) is the democratically elected body that represents the interests of Wales and its people, makes laws for Wales and holds the Welsh government to account. Whereas the Welsh Government consists only of the governing Ministers in Wales, the Senedd consists of all 60 elected members of the Senedd. It is the Welsh equivalent to the UK parliament in Westminster. Elections were originally held every four years and now every five years.

Under the Senedd and Elections (Wales) Act 2020, the National Assembly for Wales was renamed Senedd Cymru in Welsh and the Welsh Parliament in English; the name Senedd is normally used in both languages.

National Assembly for Wales Commission from 2007 / Senedd Commission from 2020

A third body was also established under the 2006 Act called the National Assembly for Wales Commission. From May 2007 it became responsible for employing the staff supporting the new National Assembly for Wales and for holding property, entering into contracts and providing support services on its behalf. Under the Senedd and Elections (Wales) Act 2020, it was renamed the Senedd Commission.