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Colonial Office and predecessors: Bermuda, Original Correspondence
Description and record details
Reference | CO 37 |
Title | Colonial Office and predecessors: Bermuda, Original Correspondence |
Date | 1689-1952 |
Description | This series contains original correspondence relating to Bermuda. |
Arrangement | Bound volumes arranged chronologically and from 1801 within the following subject headings: Despatches (letters of the governors), Offices (letters of government departments and other organisations) and Individuals (arranged alphabetically). Each volume with a contents list, or précis of each letter giving name of correspondent, date of letter and subject matter. From 1926 the correspondence is arranged in subject files. |
Related material |
For later records see CO 1031 |
Held by | The National Archives, Kew |
Legal status | Public Record(s) |
Language |
English |
Physical description | 303 files and volumes |
Access conditions | Open |
Unpublished finding aids |
For registers of correspondence before 1850 see CO 326; after 1850 see CO 334. For indexed précis of correspondence see CO 714. |
Administrative/ biographical background | In 1612 the charter of the Virginia Company was extended to include the Bermuda islands and a party of settlers arrived from England. In 1684 the charter, which had been taken over by the Bermuda Company of London, was annulled and the colony passed to the Crown. |
Copies information |
Microfilm copies were created as part of the Australian Joint Copying Project (1948-1997). The microfilm images have been digitised and made available online by the National Library of Australia. |
Publication note |
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies, 1574-1739 (HMSO, 1860-1994; CDROM edition, Routledge, 2000) |
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