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Colonial Office and predecessors: Leeward Islands, Original Correspondence
Description and record details
Reference | CO 152 |
Title | Colonial Office and predecessors: Leeward Islands, Original Correspondence |
Date | 1689-1951 |
Description | This series contains original correspondence relating to the Leeward Islands. There is a break in this series between 1816 and 1872 during which the government of the Leeward Islands as a single colony was abolished and divided amongst the various islands in the group. |
Arrangement | Bound volumes arranged chronologically, and from 1802 within the following subject headings: Despatches (letters of the governors), Offices (letters of government departments and other organisations) and Individuals (arranged alphabetically). Each volume with a contents list, or précis of each letter giving name of correspondent, date of letter and subject matter. From 1926 the correspondence is arranged in subject files. |
Related material |
For Montserrat see also CO 175 For Antigua and Montserrat see also CO 7 For Dominica from 1940 see CO 321 For later records see CO 1031 For Nevis see also CO 184 For other correspondence relating to the West Indies see CO 318 For St. Christopher (St. Kitts), Nevis and Anguilla see also CO 239 For Dominica see also CO 71 For the British Virgin Islands see also CO 314 |
Held by | The National Archives, Kew |
Legal status | Public Record(s) |
Language |
English |
Physical description | 547 files and volumes |
Access conditions | Subject to 30 year closure unless otherwise stated |
Unpublished finding aids |
For a register to this correspondence see CO 354 |
Administrative/ biographical background | Until 1671 the Leeward Islands were part of the general government of Montserrat, the Virgin Islands and Nevis under a governor-in-chief. From 1671 a federal legislature gradually grew up and in 1690 it was formalised. By 1812 the Leeward Islands consisted of two divisions: Antigua and Montserrat forming one, and St Christopher, Nevis and the Virgin Islands the other. In 1833 they were reunited; Dominica was then added, but was transferred to the Windward Islands in 1940. The Leeward Islands Federation was dissolved in 1956. |
Publication note |
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies, 1574-1739 (HMSO, 1860-1994; CDROM edition, Routledge, 2000) |
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