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Exchequer: Treasury of the Receipt: Miscellaneous Books

Description and record details

Reference E 36
Title Exchequer: Treasury of the Receipt: Miscellaneous Books
Date Edward I - George II

This series brings together records now bound together in book form which were preserved amongst the records of the Exchequer, Treasury of the Receipt.

It contains records covering a number of different subjects. They are listed here in the order that they appear in the list: accounts of the Army, Navy and Ordnance; certificates of musters; books concerning the earldom and duchy of Cornwall; renunciations of papal supremacy; various transcripts; catalogues of deeds; registers of letters, etc. of Edward, Prince of Wales; rentals and surveys; diplomatic documents; treatise and precedent books, etc; Wardrobe and Household accounts; works accounts; wardships; particulars for grants of the possession of colleges and chantries; accounts of the Constable of Windsor Castle; Black Book of the Exchequer; Bishop Stapeldon's Calendar of Treasury documents; Calais Controller's accounts; Liber Memorandorum Camerarii; Registrum Munimentorum; statutes of the Order of St Michael; establishment of the Poor Knights of Windsor; bull of Julius II; notebooks of John Hussye; abbreviation of Domesday Book.

Some of the records in this series have become separated from E 30

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additional finding aid ZBOX 1/55/3

Held by The National Archives, Kew
Legal status Public Record(s)


Physical description 286 volume(s)
Physical condition Some stamped leather bindings, possibly of early sixteenth-century date. The series includes a number of decorations and occasional illuminations of some significance, such as those illustrating the miracles of Edward the Confessor.