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Exchequer: King's Remembrancer and Treasury of the Receipt: Parliament and Council...

Description and record details

Reference E 175
Title Exchequer: King's Remembrancer and Treasury of the Receipt: Parliament and Council Proceedings, Series II
Date 1255-c1625

The artificial accumulation of documents in this series mostly concern business conducted before the parliament and council. They are of two main types: copies of parliamentary statutes sent for information to the Exchequer; and petitions, proceedings and agenda of the King's Council and of the council in parliament, including Gascon matter.

Other documents present in significant numbers include lists of summonses issued for parliaments, and some original writs and returns for the election of members of parliament. The series includes also some draft and original bills, and copies of statutes made for official or private use.

Related material

The main Exchequer series of parliament rolls is in SC 9

Held by The National Archives, Kew
Legal status Public Record(s)



Physical description 100 boxes, files and rolls
Publication note

A number of the documents in this series have been printed in: Documents Illustrative of English History in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries, ed H Cole (London, 1844) Foedera, Conventiones, et Acta Publica, ed T Rymer (17 vols, London, 1704-17) Rotuli Parliamentorum (7 vols, 1769-1817) Rotuli Parliamentorum Anglie Hactenus Inediti, ed H G Richardson and G O Sayles (Camden Society, 3rd series, li, 1935) The Statutes of the Realm, ed A Luders et al (11 vols, Record Commission, 1810-28)