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Court of Augmentations and Predecessors and Successors: Miscellaneous Books

Description and record details

Reference E 315
Title Court of Augmentations and Predecessors and Successors: Miscellaneous Books
Date c1100-c1800

Volumes, and loose documents which have been bound into volumes, kept in the Augmentation Office of the Exchequer. Their contents are very miscellaneous, include:

Accounts of possessions in France, including the lordships of Ponthieu and Montreuil, 1362-1367, and Calais, 1409-1412, as well as an account of the Channel Islands, 1352-1353;

Records relating to the administration of Crown lands by the General Surveyors, the Court of Augmentations, and the Auditors of the Land Revenue, including enrolment books of leases and grants of lands and offices; draft leases; recognizances; surveys and rentals, including one for Calais of 1556; manor court rolls; records subsidiary to the accounts of the Treasurer of the Court of Augmentations; ministers' and receivers' accounts, vouchers and memoranda; accounts of sales of wood; and judicial proceedings in the Courts of Augmentations and General Surveyors;

Records relating to the administration of lands formerly held by religious houses and chantries by the Courts of Augmentations and General Surveyors, as well as documents relating specifically to the Dissolution, such as certificates and inventories of Dissolution commissioners; inquisitions of the possessions of those who took part in the Pilgrimage of Grace; enrolments of pensions for the religious and pension lists; enrolment books of sales of the lands of religious houses under the great seal; records relating to Henry VIII's scheme for new bishoprics; chantry certificates; particulars for the sale of the lands of the chantries; surveys of the colleges of Oxford and Cambridge universities, 1546; inventories of the commissioners for church goods, 1552; and deeds, cartularies, receivers' and ministers' accounts, inventories and deeds of foundation;

Records relating to the Duchy of Cornwall of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, including vouchers to receivers, ministers' accounts, an assession book, stannary accounts, and warrants for particulars;

Accounts of the Chamberlain of Chester for 1541-1544;

Accounting records relating to the jointures of queens, in particular Catherine Parr, Anne of Denmark and Catherine of Braganza;

Presentments and particulars of concealed lands after the Dissolution, of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries;

Records of the trustees for the sale of Crown lands and fee-farm rents during the Commonwealth;

Records of the royal household of the mid-sixteenth century, including accounts of the Keeper of the Palace of Westminster, the Keeper of the King's Great Wardrobe, and the Treasurer of the King's Chamber;

Accounts of Henry VIII's Treasurer of the Land Army and Clerk of the King's Ships, as well as accounts of the Committee of the Army relating to soldiers of the Parliamentary army in the Civil War;

Records of subsidies and of port books;

Records of commissioners to enquire into the fees of court officers, 1631-1635.

Related material

Other enrolment books and crown leases are in LR 1 LRRO 13 LRRO 16

Later enrolments of deeds and other instruments relating to Crown lands are in:

Warrants and leases enrolled in this series are in E 300

additional finding aid ZBOX 1/66

Held by The National Archives, Kew
Legal status Public Record(s)



Physical description 527 volume(s)
Unpublished finding aids

There are a number of manuscript calendars and indexes to this series. Please speak to staff at the Map and Large Document Room enquiry desk for the precise location.