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Ministry of Technology and successors: Finance and Machine Tools Division and successors:...

Description and record details

Reference FV 3
Title Ministry of Technology and successors: Finance and Machine Tools Division and successors: Registered Files (NC Series)
Date 1949-1982

This series contains files generated by a succession of divisions responsible for oversight of the National Research Development Corporation (NRDC) within the Ministry of Technology, the Department of Trade and Industry and the Department of Industry, in turn. As well as general and financial supervision of, and appointments to, the NRDC, they deal with individual projects such as hovercraft, hovertrains and neutron therapy. There are also files which originated in the Accountant General's Division of the Ministry of Power and deal with the financial arrangements relating to nationalised industries.

Related material

Further files on the National Research Development Corporation can be found in BT 279

Files on topics similar to those contained in the NC series can be found in the BoT's Industries and Manufactures file series, IM, which are in BT 258

For files with the NC prefix which were re-registered into the AW series, see AVIA 98

Separated material

For files in the AG and AGD series produced by the Accountant General's Division of the Ministry of Fuel and Power and the Ministry of Power, see


Held by The National Archives, Kew
Legal status Public Record(s)



Department of Trade and Industry, Finance and Economic Appraisal Division, 1970-1974

Ministry of Power, Accountant General's Division, 1957-1969

Ministry of Technology, Finance and Machine Tools Division, 1964-1967

Physical description 132 file(s)
Access conditions Open
Immediate source of acquisition

From 1993 Department of Trade and Industry

Accruals Series is accruing
Administrative/ biographical background

Following its establishment in October 1964, the Ministry of Technology (Mintech) assumed, on 5 February 1965 from the Board of Trade (BoT), responsibility for the administration of the Development of Inventions Acts (which were passed in 1948, 1954, 1958 and 1965) by which the National Research Corporation (NRDC) was empowered to assist development and exploitation of inventions resulting from public research and private inventions where these were not being taken into industry.

The ministry was also responsible for the appointment of members to NRDC; for consultation with the Treasury on all financial questions under the Act; for the NRDC Vote, estimates and forecasts, statutory approvals for the NRDC to engage in joint projects, to provide financial assistance and to carry out projects sponsored by government departments; and for liaison between Mintech, other departments and NRDC to ensure coordination of programmes on all questions of policy.

Within Mintech these topics were dealt with by the following divisions: Finance and Machine Tools Division - NRDC Branch (it is not clear when this division was set up, but it was certainly in existence in 1965); Public Corporations Division (P 3) - NRDC Branch (1966-1967); Atomic Energy Division (AE 3) (1967-1968); Finance and Accounts Division (F 4) (during 1968-1969) and the Finance and Economic Appraisal Division (FEA 7) (during 1969-1972).

The Finance and Economic Appraisal Division continued to exist under that title on the absorption of the Mintech functions by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) in 1970. With effect from 1st November 1972, two new divisions were established to replace the existing Research Division. One of these, the Research and Development Contracts Division (RC) assumed, under the RC3 Branch, responsibility for relations with NRDC. At some point between November 1972 to November 1977, this responsibility had passed to RC2, which became Branch 3 of the Research and Technology Requirements and Space Division (RTS).